Friday 20 April 2012

MCA Resume

How to Format a Resume for MCA

How to Format a Resume for MCA thumbnail
Formatting your resume correctly is often the key to getting the right job.
The master of computer applications, or MCA, degree in India is a three-year, six-semester professional master's degree in computer science. The MCA degree emphasizes computer programming languages and applications. Since information technology is such a competitive field, a well-formatted resume can help separate you from the other candidates to get a good job in your chosen field. Employers will be looking for a comprehensive list of your technical expertise in your MCA resume.



Open your word processing program. Type in your contact information: name, address, e-mail, cell phone and home phone numbers. Center this data at the top of the page. Use a clear and legible font and bold the information.
Type the word "Objective" two lines underneath your heading, and write your professional objective as it relates to the job you are applying for.
    • 3
      Type the heading "Academic Qualifications." Create a four-column chart with header columns in bold, one at the top of each column: "Degree," "Institution," "Date Passed" and "Percentage." Enter your academic data under these headings, one degree per line, starting with your MCA and working backward in reverse chronological order to high school.
    • 4
      Type the heading "Technical Profile" starting two lines below your academic qualifications. List all major programming languages you have experience with, database experience and any relevant software skills. Tailor your list to the requirements of the job you are applying for.
    • 5
      If you have relevant work experience, type the heading "Work Experience" starting two lines below your technical profile. For each entry, list your job title and a brief description of your duties and any special responsibilities.
    • 6
      List the top three to five successful projects you have worked on, placing the information two lines below your technical profile or work experience list. List projects completed either while working or while in school for your MCA degree. State the goals of the project, the location, the languages and equipment you used to complete the project, and the duration of the project.
    • 7
      Type the heading "Extracurricular Interests" two lines under the previous section. List only activities that are relevant to a technology career or that demonstrate your overall character as a high achiever.
    • 8
      List any personal information you deem relevant, such as foreign language skills.
    • 9
      Insert a page break. List your references on a separate sheet.
    • 10
      Review the document for spelling errors and accuracy of information. Review the layout to be sure it is attractive.

Tips & Warnings

  • Use bold text to call attention to important information.
  • Use a font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Use bullets to break up long lists of information on the page, such as your computer languages.
  • Edit your resume as needed to show how your skills match those being specified in the job description.
  • Be sure to list your data accurately.
  • Do not let your resume run to more than two pages.
    Do not include too much personal or irrelevant information.

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